Simon and Tyler

Simon and Tyler

My son is 21. His name is Tyler. He is taller than me (by a titchy bit) and claims that he is better looking than me.

I agree (about him being taller). Better looking? Today… probably yes (I might have a chance with the partially sighted in low light levels). But what about when I was in my prime?

The Question

Maybe this happens to all fathers. May be I’m the first. I’m referring to the moment when my son said to me:

Dad, how does it feel that I’m better looking than you have ever been?

I waited for the punchline. Instead, he said nothing. Stood there looking gormless. He actually believed this!

Let’s Settle This

As we cannot agree, it’s up to the internet to decide. I’ll go first. Then my son.

The Rules

Three photos. 600px maximum width. No filters. No cropping.

If you’d like to participate,1 simply use the Reply to this Post link at the bottom of the page. Just put either Simon or Tyler as the subject. Thanks!

May the best man win…

I’m up (Dad)

Me 1

Me 2

Me 3

Tyler (Son)

Tyler 1

Tyler 2

Tyler 3


1 It should go without saying that I won’t share or publish your email address!