Blogger logo

Hello Old Lad!

I’ve had a couple of emails about my Why start your own blog in 2025 post. Both were similarly themed:

  • What software do you recommend?
  • What’s the easiest way to get started with a blog?

Now usually I’d recommend a static site generator. But, if you’re wanting to just dip your toe in the water and see if having a blog is right for you, that’s a lot of upfront work. Potentially enough to make you abandon the whole idea. I wasn’t having that. So I had a little think, did a bit of research on the internet, and then remembered

Even though I haven’t been on the site for years, there was my profile. Exactly as I’d left it!

Blogging since 2008

As you can see from the screenshot above, I had planned to conquer the internet with my Money Making Ideas1 and Learn Touch Typing sites. Oh, the silly (and lazy) boy I was. Of course I had to look to see what rubbish I’d put on there:

Blogger - No Posts

I told you I was lazy. Nada. No wonder I’m still not rich.

How Easy is Blogger to Use?

Very. I set up a new blog: Burton on Trent Stuff, picked a blogspot subdomain for it to live: and there it was! So I added a test post

Blogger Post

The web interface is very straightforward. You’ve got a pane on the left for creating new posts and pages, and some fiddling bits and bobs. At the bottom is helpful button to see how your blog looks:

Blogger Menu

The rest of the page is a list of your posts or pages.

Can I Backup, Move, Delete a Blogger Blog?

In the interests of science, I decided to sacrifice one of my Blogger blogs (that had no posts). Clicking on delete blog shows this dialogue:

Delete Blogger blog

Thanks! I won’t bother this time though, Google. I’m sure I’ll survive without a backup of my empty blog!

As for exporting a blog, according to Wordpress everything should be tickety-boo (screenshot from above link):

Importing blogger site into Wordpress

Use as a Backup Blog!

Another use case for Blogger is as a backup site in case something happens to your main site. I’ve set up for just this purpose. I know s1m0nh is a silly subdomain but that’s my fallback if simonh has been taken. If they’re both gone, I just go with:


That one’s always available. Please do not steal it.

You could also use your site for comments, or as a contact page. It took me a few minutes to find out how, but it’s actually simple.

On the Blogger main page, click on Layout, then click on Add a Gadget (to the area of the page you want it displayed), find the one that says Contact form and click it:

Blogger Layout gadgets

Then, back on the main site, you’ll now see the contact form widget (where you can also turn it off or rename it by clicking the pen icon):

Blogger contact widget

Finally, click on view blog and you should now see your contact form on your site:

Blogger email form

Of course, I don’t take anything for granted, so I sent a test email

gmail inbox


I’ve got to hand it to Google. It still does the job of setting up a blog, adding posts, editing posts and all that good stuff very well. Yeah, there are lots of new, shiny, hip options today, but for getting something up and running in five minutes, I don’t think anything else can beat Blogger.

You can set up a blog, subdomain, contact page, blog comments in five minutes! If anyone knows anything quicker than that, shoot me an email (or use my blogspot contact page).


2025-01-05: Add Blogger logo and move profile photo down page

2025-01-04: Add section about Using blogger as a backup blog

2025-01-02: Add section about Backing up, moving, deleting a blog


1 Anyone old enough to remember Griz and his make money online blogspot site? I think he inspired this…