I write all of my posts in Textile which then get processed by the Textile Reader Pelican plugin and turned into HTML. I also write all posts on my desktop computer. But, since I seem to be obssessed with blogging again,1 I’ve noticed that sometimes, I’ll be out and about, and an idea for a post, or an addition to an existing one, will occur to me. Since the average human brain can hold Seven, Plus or Minus Two bits of information in short term memory at one time, I can usually wait until I’m back at home to create:
file to ensure it doesn’t get lost forever!
But, it’s been niggling at me that I should really have something available when I’m not at home. Of course, one option is to just write my own software. But I don’t fancy that as I’ve got other coding projects that have a higher priority than just a blogging notes software.
Another option is to use one of the, what, 8 million existing apps / platforms! But again, taking notes is not something in life that I’ve ever felt the need to go and try out this one, then that one, and eventually pick one and stick with it. If it ever did become a general problem, I’d just write my own thing. So, what to do…
Then, I remembered the old stalwart Blogger, which I’ve also written about here. As I wrote in that post, I’ve setup a backup blog on Blogger, in case anything awry happens here. But then I wondered how it would perform as a drafting tool? Not bad at all, as it happens:
That’s Textile, by the way. Beautiful, isn’t it? For those that are more comforable clicking buttons, the formatting toolbar will let you create your headings, stylings etc.
I wondered if anyone else had thought the same thing? Well no, not really. The only other article on the same subject I found was this one, by a fella called Don James.2 So, just the two of us then…
Google, Are you Listening (Yet)?
The Official Blogger Blog hasn’t been updated since 2020. It seems like a load of work was done before that to get Blogger mobile friendly, and then… Nothing. Which is a shame as the Blogger platform is great for newcomers to the world of blogging.
It seems that since the intranets became dominant, blogging is very niche again (which suits me fine). It would be very sad, but is perhaps likely, that Blogger may well end up on this list here. But there is another option, another possible future. Even a renaissance for this once mighty platform.
An Alternative to Social Media?
Google have never dominated in social media. They’ve tried numerous times, but ended up pulling the plug each time. Maybe it’s time they went back to basics? Back to a time more akin to the early web. The quote below is taken from here, on the official Blogger blog:
Since 1999, millions of people have expressed themselves on Blogger. From detailed posts about almost every apple variety you could ever imagine to a blog dedicated to the art of blogging itself, the ability to easily share, publish and express oneself on the web is at the core of Blogger’s mission.
I think that’s a fine mission. And Google can use that mission to try and rescues those souls forever trapped inside the intranets. Get them back on the web where they have a chance to get their message out to everyone, now and forever into the future. It won’t happen quickly and Google will need to think very long term to succeed, but I think they are in the best position to achieve such a goal.
1 I’m sure it’ll pass soon. I’ll probably disappear, then pop back up in about 2028!
2 I had my idea independently of Don, but as he posted back in 2021 he needs crediting. Plus he comes at the topic from a slightly different angle. Worth a read.