I was driving back from a job in London today and got into thinking a bit deeper about URL’s, blogging and backups.
You may or may not know that I have a backup blog hosted on blogger.com with the address of:
Let’s look at that address for a minute. Firstly, it’s tied to a particular service, blogger.com. If I need to move it somewhere else, the whole address will of course have to change:
So now, all the old links don’t work, which is not cool. Secondly, neither URL really describes what the address is about. One may be able to figure it out, but I think we can do better!
Today I bought mybackup.blog. My first user is me (of course). My new backup blog URL will forevermore be:
Which is only one character longer than the old one.
No more “I wonder where this link will take me?” questions. It’s all there in the URL. And that subdomain can point to any service, now and in the future.
- tomsmith.mybackup.blog
- bobscameras.mybackup.blog
- someothertopic.mybackup.blog
- etc.
Your Thoughts?
Would you be interested in using a subdomain of mybackup.blog? If so, I’ll set a few up completely free.
What would you think about a charge of a quid or two per year? I’m only interested in covering the price of the domain, plus the few minutes to set each one up until I automate it.
Anyway, it’s been a very long day, so I’m hitting the hay. More to follow…
1 I only have the stupid s1m0nh when simonh has been taken