Finepix F10

Yes, I have a problem! Another day, another camera. Seriously though, I’m going to try and stop buying new old cameras for a while and get to know the ones I’ve now got. Lots of part 2 posts should be coming over the next few weeks.

Picked this one up after discovering that it’s got the “Super CCD” Fujifilm sensor, which lots of people highly rate. I was also very happy to be told it came with a 1GB XD card. I’ve got a 128MB one (for some reason), but with memory, bigger is always better. 1GB will store about 340 top resolution images on the F10, more than enough for me. As always, this review is in the form of photos I’ve taken, if you want details about the camera, links are provided in the see also section at the bottom.

All photos linked to Flickr album.

Cat 1

Cat 2

Olympus C4040Z

Macro 1

Pizza 1

Pizza 2

Initial Conclusion

I’ve only had this little beauty for a day, but I’m loving it right off the bat. Compared to the Olympus C4040Z, probably my favourite camera, this one is a lot smaller, and seems to focus a lot better and quicker. Even if the green light flashes, warning that I’m not in focus, I’ve had some shots that are fine to my eyes. I bought this one as a “shove in pocket in case I might need it” item and I’m planning on putting it through its outdoor paces very soon.

To answer my ongoing existential question: “is this one better than the C4040Z?”, my answer after one day is…

maybe it is.

See Also

DP Review

Imaging Resource Review