This is the second installment of my Fujifilm Finepix F10 review. Some photos were taken indoors (first three below), the others on a walk with the dog this morning. Unfortunately, the weather was overcast leading to fairly dull looking photos. I’ll probably post a part 3 when the sun is out again.
All images linked to full resolution Flickr album. No editing has been done on any of the photos except resizing to 600px width to keep bandwidth manageable.
Daughters ridiculous key ring (with one key). This photo is without flash, next one used the flash to show difference.
All following photos were shot using chrome option
Using the 3x optical zoom on railway bridge
Part 2 Conclusion
The Fujifilm Finepix F10 is still a good camera, twenty years after it first released. As you can see from the photos on this page, the F10 is still a solid choice for a pocketable point-and-shoot camera in 2025. I quite like the f-chrome option which makes the colours much more vibrant. Some people might find it a bit much, but the “standard” setting comes off as a bit dull to my eyes.