I’m not a particularly angry person, however, somethings really wind me up. Here are some of them.
Horrible car noises when driving
I get this quite a lot (today most recently). I’ll be driving somewhere and I’ll suddenly hear a high pitched, scraping sound of metal on metal.
Oh God!!! Is that my car???
There’s probably a van or lorry in front, something else behind me. But which vehicle is making that horrible noise? Occasionally, I’ll have to pull over to let the other suspect vehicles pass. 9 times out of 10, the sound has gone. Still, it freaks me out every time. Other road users — scraping metal noises coming from your vehicle is not good. Not for you or for those of us worrying that it’s our car. Get if fixed for crying out loud.
Facebook marketplace sellers who don’t reply
Ugh. This makes my blood boil. I’m not on Facebook, so I borrow the other halfs account when needed. Sometimes I’ll find something that I really want. Price is good, condition is good, they’re nearby. So I message them and…
Sometimes they’ve seen the message, sometimes not. I don’t care. I’ve got a couple of messages that haven’t been acknowledged after over two months. Part of me hopes that they’ve died. If so, surely a family member could arrange the sale?!
Prospective customers who suddenly go cold
This is a new one that I’ve experienced twice over the last year. I send out emails trying to drum up business periodically. Sometimes, I’ll get an enthusiastic reply as they’re having problems with their current supplier. After a few more emails, we arrange an in person visit to work out the details.
Then they cancel the day before (I always confirm the day before). No problem. I leave them for a few days, then try to rearrange. No reply. Maybe they have some mental illness. Maybe their business is made up. After all, anyone can setup a website in minutes. Perhaps I should visit their “business” and see what’s going on…
That’s it for today. As new things annoy me, I’ll add to this post.